Why Not Believe God Too?
is full of warnings: the flashing lights at a railroad crossing, the screaming
whistle of an approaching train, and signs of warning such as sharp Curve ahead,
danger High voltage and do not enter. When we hear a police siren we quickly
get out of the way. Yet when God want warns us to “flee the from the coming wrath”(Matthew3:7NIV)we
are indifferent. Is not God’s warning more important than any of those others?
If the warning label on the
bottle says Poison, we are careful with its contents. If health authorities say
the water is contaminated, we stop drinking it. Yet when God tell us the “wages
of sin is death”(Rom.6:23),we go right
on sinning.
If the painter puts up a sign
that warns Wet Paint , we do not touch. If we see a No Trespassing sign,
we stay away. But, but when God tell us that “the soul that sins…will die”(Ezek.18:20),we
continue to sin.
If a doctor says a person has a
contagious disease, we stay away. If a sporting event requires a ticket, we buy
one. Yet when Jesus says, “No one can see the Kingdom of God unless he is born
again” (John3:3), we disregard His word.
a sign says Free Sample, we make sure we get one. But when the Bible says that “the
gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”(Rom.6”23)we reply, “Not now,”
even though we desperately need it. That is why so many people are lost
accept man’s testimony, but God’s testimony is greater…And this is the testimony:
God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His son. He who has the Son
has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1John 5:9 to
respond to men’s warnings. Why not God’s?
Grace & Truth Magazine,Danville,IL USA.Used by permission.
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